Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blue Pillar Candleholders (part 2)

Happy Sunday!

A few posts ago I shared candleholders inspired by some I had seen in the new PB catalogue (HERE).  Well…yesterday I made a quick stop at the thrift store while out doing errands and when I returned to my car it would not start. 

I know what does this have to do with the candleholders?  Ok, so while my husband was off buying a new battery I had some time to return inside the thrift store really comb through the shelves and found this…

Yes, it’s a match and of course I redid it exactly like its big brother. 

Thanks for visiting,


  1. I love reading your blog and all your craftiness!!! You need to open up a second hand/refurbished shop and serve your desserts/coffee. How fun would that be?? Hope you car is fixed :-)

    1. Thanks Staci and thank you for your support. I would love to have a shop, something to think about. I will be selling on Etsy soon so keep an eye out and spread the word. And yes..the car is all better :)
