Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lawn Chair Makeover

When I married my husband and we moved in to our forever home we merged our stuff. Now granted, not all my stuff was in great shape but nothing was as bad as his lawn chair.

He has had this lawn chair for over 15 years and no matter what convincing argument I came up with he refused to part with it. 

I know...its not really that bad. Definitly better than the ugly recliners that some men come with. So, for that reason I decided to figure out a way to make it look better (and be safer). With a little spray paint and some new webbing I turned that old lawn chair into a beautiful piece of outdoor furniture. Enjoy!


First I took the old webbing off. I was able to reuse the webbing clips.

 These are the old ones but you can purchase them here

After removing the old webbing I took these picture 
for the blog but also as a reminder of how to use them later.

Next I spray painted the metal frame...

Note: I tried spray painting directly onto the metal but it scrapped off really easy...not good. I then decided to start over using a layer of primer followed by a layer of the blue spray paint followed by a layer off clear glossing top coat. It scrapping off when I did the re-webbing.

Then I re-webbed the chair with new webbing. I bought mine at the local hardware store but you can buy it here.

And here it is again all decked out for the 4th!

 Thanks for visiting,
Don't want to redo your old lawn chair or don't have one to redo and want to add this vintage chair to your outdoor collection. Check out Lawn Chair USA.


  1. Wow! This looks great! So clever!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  2. That looks Great!!

    Shelly @

    1. Thanks Shelly... a very fun project that put a smile on my husbands face.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Diana and thanks for visiting.

  4. Great makeover - love the blue! Thanks for sharing at Project Inspired - pinned to our group pinboard for some extra luv!! Heather

  5. Thanks for the lesson! I have some low beach chairs that are starting to tear -I'm gonna need to refer back to this. :)

  6. Great chair. I have 2 chairs that I have been saving to make over. BTW, they were in worse shape than your hubby's!! Barely threads holding them together.
    I had not considered painting the frame. What a great idea. Will definitely use this one.

  7. Thanks for showing how to do this. I have one of these that only needs new webbing so I am going to follow your lead!

    1. Thanks for visiting and have fun with your redo. I still love the chair!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What an amazing job you did, it's just beautiful!
