
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Blog ChallengeI join THESE linky parties....come join the fun!!!


I have decided to start off the 1st Monday in January with a Blog Challenge. Actually, my daughter and niece, both bloggers, started a 52 week challenge which looks really fun. I give them both a lot of credit because I know I would never be able to keep something like that going for an entire year. I wish them both luck and will be following along. 

Here they on the photograph to link to each of their blogs and check out their challenge:

After a web search I found two challenges that might work for me. Both are for just one month and both give ideas to boost the blogger. I like the idea of boosting my blog and of also working on posts that are a little different than what I have been doing. Now don't get me wrong, I love blogging about decorating, remodeling, baking, crafting, restoring unloved furniture but as the word implies...I wouldn't mind a challenge. Here they are....


Because I have started a bit late I have to catch up so here goes!

From Kinderchat:

#1 Wordless Wednesday: A photo to represent 2013

 #2 One Resolution for 2014
To Eat Healthier
Nothing more to say about that!

#3 TGIF: The very best thing about 2013 was....
 I was laid off and out of work for about 2 months. 
Sounds weird huh? I should have been scared but I wasn't at all. My first feeling was of relief. I actually hated the job but had only worked there for about 2 months so I figured things would get better. Getting laid off forced me out of a bad situation and gave me the chance to reevaluate my professional life. I also did a lot of blogging and spent a lot of time with my elderly mother so it was great. Even though I have not made a career change yet that time gave me the opportunity to gauge what is really important. Stay tuned :)

#4  When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
 A Dancer
I started dancing when I was 5 years old and did so till about 14. I took a break to be a teenager (LOL) and picked back up in college where I minored in dance. One of my greatest achievements was to complete that degree and received a BA in Dance at the University of Maryland at age 36. I never worked professionally as a dancer. Never planned to. I just wanted to take that time to dance and finish what I started and I did. (sorry, no pic...still searching through boxes)

#5  If you could live in any historical era, WHEN would you live?
 The 1950's

I bet this sound crazy to some of you. As most, I know about this era from what I read and what I see/saw on T.V. Like most I have watched I Love Lucy like a gazillion times so that is the image stamped in my mind. I know the 1950’s were far from a magical time...

Jim Crow civil rights, no polio vaccine yet, the Korean War, domestic violence was NOT a crime yet, not everyone had a telephone and those who did had to share it (party lines), most families didn't have a TV or air condition, and regardless of how the sitcoms portrayed it, a lot of women did work outside of the home. 

... but since this is a blog challenge and its just for fun, I am going to stick with my choice of the magical (imaginary LOL) 1950's. Plus...I love Retro decor!!

Till next time...
I join THESE linky parties....come join the fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very fun. I think when my kids are older (read: a bit more time while they are at school I will do something like this. Anyway, I enjoyed reading yours!
