
Monday, June 17, 2013

“What can I add this duct tape to?”

This weekend I was in the hardware store ordering mulch for delivery and while waiting for the paperwork to be completed I came across a really cool Duct Tape. I used decorated duct tape once before for the Red,White and Blue Wreath and really wanted to use it again but had no ideas at the time of purchase. Once home I went through the house with only one thought in mind…

“What can I add this duct tape to?”

Here is what I came up with. Pretty cool tape huh?



Here are some other ideas from...

 How many more ideas can you come up with? 
Let me know and as always thanks for visiting.


  1. ooooh! Haven't seen this pattern around anywhere! Going to have to look for it! I love all your ideas, but the small water bottles are so cute~ great idea for a party!

    1. Thanks Kim...found it at a local but small (not national) hardware store. First time I found this pattern too. Check the internet for online order. Thanks for visiting.

  2. love all the uses for good ole' duck tape!!! I will be trying some of these:)


  3. I'm going to have to find that duct tape, so pretty. I thought it was ribbon when I first looked at the picture, wow, duct tape? Hope I can find it somewhere, it's great. I get so tickled when I see all the things people can dream up and make money from. Now why I can't I be one of those people, darn it? lol.
