
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Beachy Basket Door Decor


I'm back! I can't believe I haven’t posted since last week and no, I have not been on vacation. The truth is that when the weather is warm I tend to spend more time outside in the garden and less time inside on the computer (a good thing I think). 

If you’re familiar with East Coast summers you know that once the humidity hits, working outside is not enjoyable, so while it's still bearable, I’ve been outside rolling the mulch (LOL).  According to the local weather forecast it seems our hot-humid dog days of summer are here so I now have more time to get back to blogging. 

While we are not taking any official summer vacations this year we are doing some weekend getaways and next weekend we will be going to the beach. Keeping within this mindset I decided my front door needed something different, something beachy. 

I found a little basket at the thrifts store and turned it into a welcoming decoration with a beach theme. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and as always…Enjoy!

Supplies: Silk flower, Starfish, Floral Foam, Floral Wire, Ribbon, Glue Gun and the Basket...

I started by gluing the floral foam to the bottom of the basket.

 I then separated the leaves from the flowers and attached them to floral wire. This is so I have more control over their placement in the arrangement.

 Then I started the arrangement by starting with the yellow flowers, then the turquoise flowers, then the blue flowers. The filled in with the leaves as needed.


 To add the starfish to the arrangement I first hot glued them to flower wire...

...and then, the Bow:

 And here is the finished piece hanging on it new home!

 Thanks for visiting,


  1. This is SO pretty Debbie - love the aqua colors -
    I'm in Montreal ( east coast of Canada ) and we are dying from the humidity here :)
    Can't complain though because last winter scarred me for life lol

  2. Pennsylvanian here and wow, what a hot, humid Summer thus far! Love the basket and can't resist anything beachy! I have a hard time passing up baskets and they are always so plentiful and reasonable in the thrift stores ~ Stopping by from Linda's at Coastal Chram ~ thanks for sharing your creation :) Judi

  3. This basket is beautiful! Love the beachy-ness! I would LOVE to have you share this at my link party!

  4. Debbie, this is absolutely beautiful! You did a wonderful job! Thank you so much for sharing how to make this! That blue is gorgeous!

    My readers would love this craft! I’d love it if you linked this up over at Living Well Spending Less for Thrifty Thursday this week!

  5. Gorgeous arrangement! Clever way to add the starfish.
