
Monday, May 27, 2013

Patriotic Mantel

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. I am fortunate that out of the family members who have served and are currently serving none have been lost in the pursuit of our freedom. Thank you God.

Like a lot of American families we spend part of the Memorial Day weekend celebrating family with a cookout. Ours was yesterday and a good time was had by all. In preparation for the event I decorated our mantel in a patriotic theme using everything recycled. I made the vases (HERE), found the trays at the thrift store for $2 each, the picture of my granddaughter was a gift to me on Valentine’s Day and the little crystal clock was a wedding gift.  

Patriotic Mantel


I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend!
Here are a few pics from out get together.

Thanks for visiting,


  1. I host a weekly link party called "Seasonal Sundays". This week, in honor of my fourth blog-a-versary, I'm having a giveaway of a $100.00 gift certificate to HomeGoods/TJ Maxx. I'd love to have you join the fun!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Nice mantel! Looks like you had a great holiday! Thanks for sharing at the Shady Porch Rock 'N Share! Hope to see you again soon! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

    1. Thanks D...and we did. It was a blast. Just love entertaining outside.

  3. Your mantel looks great! Glad you had a good weekend. Thanks for linking up at Romance on a dime!!
